Which US state is named on the label of a Jack Daniels bottle?
A. Tennessee
B. Texas
A phlebotomist extracts what from the human body?
A. serum
B. Blood
C. Water
A. 3623800
B. 362000
C. 362880
D. 10!
Kodiak Island is in which US state?
A. California
B. Alaska
C. Virginia
D. Montana
Who is the 41th pesident of US?
A. George H. W. Bush
B. George W. Bush
How many arms/tentacles/limbs does a squid have?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
Which planet is the closest to Earth?
What event began World War I?
A. Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand
B. Pearl Harbor
C. Battle of Britain
D. Invasion of Poland
When did Pearl Harbor occur?
A. December 7th, 1942
B. December 11th, 1941
C. December 7th, 1941
D. December 8th 1940
Which countries are there in five permanent members of the united nations security council
A. China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States
B. Argentina, the Soviet Union, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States
C. German, France, Japan ,the United Kingdom, and United States
D. Brazil, France, Russian Federation, England, and the United States